
We help your

Kids learn to code

The Future is Now

Our coding classes are thoughtfully designed to give your child a thorough understanding of STEM/STEAM concepts and practical experience in real-life scenarios. We prioritize cultivating essential 21st-century skills, like problem-solving, creative thinking, and design thinking, to ensure your child is fully equipped to tackle any obstacle they may face. You can find more about the curriculum we follow here: All the courses we offer follow the 3…2…1…Make a path that follows Exploring –> Design –> Invent.

  • 3. Explore: projects to introduce creators to a set of skills and provide step-by-step instructions to help them develop initial confidence
  • 2. Design: projects to allow creators to practice the skills they learned in the previous exploration projects and to express themselves creatively while they grow in independence.
  • 1. Invent: project where creators use their skills to meet a project brief for a particular audience

What types of classes are available?

Weekend Classes

Kamal Plaza – Achimota Christian Village / Online

Call/Whatsapp: +233 596 90 53 37

After-school Classes

Kamal Plaza – Achimota Christian Village / Online

Call/Whatsapp: +233 596 90 53 37

Vacation Classes

Kamal Plaza – Achimota Christian Village / Online

Call/Whatsapp: +233 596 90 53 37

Most of our classes cover beginners to advanced courses. We start with visual programming such as Scratch and then proceed to text-based programming such as Python, web development, etc, and we get into advanced robotics with Pitop, zoom bit, Pikabit, etc


Learn Robotics with Pitop. From beginners to advance

Physical Computing

Learn physical computing with Raspberry pi. From beginners to advance


Learn Python with Raspberry Pi

Web Development

Learn web development starting with the basics from Html, CSS and Javascript

Block Coding

Learn the fundamentals of programming with blocking coding like Scratch. You will learn how to use scratch on Raspberry Pi.

Use the forms below to register your Child

Parent / Guardian


Panel Tool

Layout Mode


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